*clears throat and channels Lady Whistledown*
Dearest Readers,
The day has arrived! It’s May 21st and I am pleased to announce that the sale of the season is upon us, The Archival Sale. Join in and celebrate the end of an era with deeply discounted offerings, sure to surprise! Take your place in subconscious studies and peruse the sale before it concludes come the end of this month.
The pleasure of your company inside of the digital portal is celebrated!
Okay okay….so clearly I didn’t spend every waking moment on this huge archival project for the past four weeks. I took much needed breaks — taking evening “scent walks” to enjoy lilac season, grabbing sushi with my mom, quilting one square a day, playing Sims with Taj and of course indulging in Queen Charolette: A Bridgerton Story along with the rest of the world.
This season was by far my favorite. Queen Charolette and King George’s love story rocked me to my core and came right on time. I have been thinking a lot about relationships and family since I turned thirty last July and going through this archival project has reminded me just how many hours I have spent inside of creating a business, just how many hours I have missed with loved ones.
I feel like that sounds more heartbreaking than I want it to. But it is necessary to talk about and a topic I don’t see discussed enough online. Can we be real about the sacrifice of building a business? The vulnerability of becoming an entrepreneur? It’s hard work and can be extremely isolating. If you’ve ever felt this way - please know you’re far from alone and I love you a lot and see you, boy do I see you.
I’m not sure if it’s my cellular level maternal instincts kicking in…or societal conditioning…but over the past year I’ve noticed some of my values shifting in the direction of family, relationships and prioritizing my health.
This archival project is a significant milestone because it symbolizes the closing of a chapter. I’m not entirely positive what the next chapter looks like just yet — I just knew deep down I needed to bring my NLP Training chapter to an official close so there can be space for what lies ahead.
I feel like I’ve been having the worlds slowest breakup with this identity. Closing a book in slow motion. A lesson in itself. Sometimes you’re just not ready to let go, until you’re ready to let go - ya know?
It all reminds me of some Law Of Attraction tips and tricks out there — when you’re manifesting a partner, clear a drawer for them so they’ll be able to keep some personal items for overnights. Or start sleeping on one side of the bed, rather than in the middle (I did both of these and then Taj appeared hehe).
If you create the space, the Law Of Vacuum1 will help you fill it. It’s nature.
In celebration of the Archival Sale I’m sharing preview’s into the Mental Wealth Method portal with a special mini-series on the podcast. This first episode is a clip from the first Pre-Study Audio Learning inside of the Mental Wealth Method where I break down the definition of Neuro-Lingusitc Programming and lay the foundation for how incredible your brain is.
Celebrate this moment with me by tuning into the pod, sharing the sale or leaving a comment below chatting about love stories or whatever sacrifices you’ve been coming to terms with lately. And please know how freaking amazing you are, no matter where you’re at in your life right now. Slow or fast. Career driven or family focused. In love or heartbroken. Happy or sad. Hot or cold.
With Love,
I love this definition of The Law Of Vacuum
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