Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
EP 8 - Sitting With The Discomfort

EP 8 - Sitting With The Discomfort

The hard task of looking at 200 versions of yourself

Thank goodness the lilacs are in bloom again. The row of lilacs behind our apartment building have reached peak bloom just in time this year — right when I needed a much needed reminder that everything is temporary.

For the past four weeks I’ve been sitting with the uncomfortable task of archiving the entirety of The Mental Wealth Method Portal1 by moving everything from one platform to another. A task that’s been on my to-do list for almost 2 years.

I decided to dedicate Mercury Retrograde season to this massive editing/revising process to clear out energetic space for my next chapter. At this point, I’ve moved close to 200 Zoom recordings of me teaching and demoing the content.

I’ve been sitting with these past versions of myself quite literally. Seeing her welcome everyone to each class, hearing the excitement in her voice and feeling all the jitters she had before every single call as if it was happening again.

I open the waiting room! Welcome everyone in! I switch on “Trainer Mode” with the click of the record button. The stage is set and it’s time to play teacher.

This process has been both nostalgic, and painful. Nostalgic because it was a revolutionary period of time for me and my students. A time for meeting soul-family. A time for togetherness and community in the midst of social distancing. A time for expanding into new identities as space-holders.

It has also been painful because I can see how hard I tried — how deeply I wanted — to make it work despite the deep knowing it was out of integrity for me to continue after my NLP Trainers Training experience.

As I write this on Wednesday night, I’m only a couple of hours away from being done with the archiving process. There is so much pride in the program I created. So much gratitude for all of the people who I was able to teach and for the divine timing of how we all came together for this flash in time. And a majorrrrr sense of anticipatory relief for the mental real estate I’m about to reclaim after it’s made itself a home in the back of my mind for two years.

In this episode I dive deeper into the concept of sitting with and sitting in uncomfortable seasons and how the discomfort can be an opportunity to witness ourselves in a brand new way. I share prompts for reflection and ideas for how you can check-in with yourself through the sticky waiting period.

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To commemorate this chapter closing I’ll be doing a special mini-series on the pod with clips from the archives to give you a glimpse into the portal. Be sure to circle back if you’ve ever been curious to explore your belief systems, deepen your communication skills or get intimate with your senses and subconscious mind. I’m excited to pull back the curtain and share this moment in time with you.

Save The Date: Archival Sale Kicks Off May 21st!

This process has inspired me to open up the portal one last time before it all heads to the archives forever. On Sunday May 21st I’ll be opening the doors to the Archival Sale where the following offerings will be deeply discounted until the end of the month —

  • Mental Wealth Method Self-Study Portal

  • Supercharge Your Space-Holding Practice With Subliminals Workshop

  • Spread The Wealth Bundle

  • On Purpose Hypnosis Album

    Explore The Archival Sale!


The Mental Wealth Method was a 3 month personal and professional embodiment program led by Jenna Knapp. The program taught change-makers and space-holders how to work with the subconscious mind using powerful modalities like Neuro Linguistic Programming, TIME Techniques, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Life & Success Coaching, Scent Stating, and more! It was facilitated in live virtual cohorts in the Fall of 2020 and Spring of 2021.

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Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
The Dear Self With Love Podcast celebrates the infinite ways we can strengthen the one relationship that matters most - the one we have with ourself. Explore how you can deepen your practices, enjoy your own company, hold yourself accountable, and be present to your growth.