Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
EP 11 - Creating The Soundtrack To Your Life
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:53

EP 11 - Creating The Soundtrack To Your Life

Have you ever experienced *chills* on your face?

Deciding what to share with you in this mini-series has been a bit harder than I anticipated it would be…There is just SO much in this sea of knowledge. Like 60+ hours to choose from much. But when I was driving to an important meeting (a meeting that has the potential to change the whole trajectory of my life) I did something worth telling you about…

When I got into the car, plugged in the GPS and started rolling out of the parking lot with the windows down I was hit with a feeling of Fall. The air was particularly cool for a Wednesday in May and it made me so nostalgic for my favorite time of year. A lot of the most exciting cycles of my life begin in the Fall, so the fact that this weather was here to visit on a very special day felt significant.

While I was driving I wanted to take that familiar feeling one step further and put on an album1 that I’ve used in my life to signify new beginnings since 2016. By the time I arrived to my meeting I was flooded with feelings of gratitude, certainty and a grounded-ness that “this is it”.

I felt calm. At peace. The same feeling you get when you crack open a new book.

That album is my “The Chapter Begins” soundtrack and because I’ve been using it in this way for the past seven years of my life it brings up alllllll of the times I’ve used it as a support tool, amplifying the feelings. Intensifying the new beginning vibes.

And then, just yesterday I realized I was creating a new auditory anchor with the song If I Die Young Pt. 2 by Kimberly Perry. Blasting it so loudly and thinking of my friend Natalie who introduced me to the song. I was feeling it SO deeply…that I got chills…on my face? Then, via text we discovered we were in fact listening at the same time. Now, I can turn it on and I’m there…with Natalie.

This my friend, is the magic of anchoring. It collapses time and space and is pure magic. And! It’s by far the easiest Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique that I teach inside of the Mental Wealth Method Self-Study. You can do it with all of your senses. Whether you want to try anchoring in an album, a candle scent, a nostalgic family recipe or your favorite button up shirt — you can connect feelings and vivid states of being to sensory experiences. Here, your brain builds new neural pathways to support the association so that when you tap back into that thing again, all the feelings are there.


This is why we get a rush of dopamine when we pass someone on the street that is wearing the cologne or perfume of a loved one who is no longer Earth-side. This is why that one song that you hear in the grocery store can take you back to your wedding night. This is why that sip of coffee can remind you of when your mom brewed Hill Bros growing up. The list goes on.

In this episode I share a clip about anchoring from the portal and invite you to think about how you can use this (and how you already are) on purpose in your life. Listen now and get inspired for how you can weave these subconscious tricks into your life to amplify states and seasons you want to remember and recall.

Explore The Archival Sale!

The Archival Sale is coming to an end! Doors close at the end of the day on Wednesday May 31st. Grab the MWM Self Study Portal, Subliminal Workshop, Spread The Wealth Bundle and On Purpose album before they head to the vault forever!

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