Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
dear july

dear july

end of the month review audio workshop

As we near the end of July, let’s take some time to reflect on this busy summer month we’ve lived through. Whether July is always your busiest month of the year or you've been able to rest in the sun while eating strawberries with sugar sprinkled on the top, it’s a big month.

sound bath guests lay perfectly under shade of two trees at July’s full moon sound bath last weekend at Lynden Sculpture Garden

July marks our halfway point through the year and invites us to think about goals, intentions and curiosities we proclaimed at the start of 2024. Given my new work schedule, I am experimenting with this audio workshop version for the end of the month review in place of the community calls. Whether you are a DSWL Planner user or not, this audio is here to offer a series of end of the month reflections, a guided meditation to help you pause in-between both sides of this year and an opportunity to map out your August.

What You Can Expect —

  • Reflection questions to help you connect with the energy of July

  • A short guided meditation to pause between July and August. This meditation takes place in a labyrinth where the journey to the center is the recent past and the journey out is the near future

  • A brain dump & extra support map for the month of August

  • August Goals, affirmations, habit tracking and self-love prompts

What You Need For The Audio Workshop —

  • A quiet cozy place you can curl up without distractions for 30ish minutes

  • Your DSWL Planner, journal or blank paper

  • Something to write with

  • Environment enhancers (ex: cozy chamomile tea in favorite mug, lavender essential oil in the diffuser, grounding jasper stones, background frequency/chill-hop playlist)

Hopefully this new form can reach more people and become a resource for independent reflection. I’m also sad to take the community aspect of being together on live calls away, so I invite you to share your dear July reflections in the comment section below.

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I’ll be back in your inbox with the Dear Self Newsletter next week. Until then I am wishing you an easeful transition from July into August. You’re amazing and I’m so glad you’re taking this time for yourself to pause before you go again.

Going again is always easier once we have rested and reflected.

With Love,


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Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
The Dear Self With Love Podcast celebrates the infinite ways we can strengthen the one relationship that matters most - the one we have with ourself. Explore how you can deepen your practices, enjoy your own company, hold yourself accountable, and be present to your growth.