Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
dear august

dear august

end of the month review audio workshop

Here we are on the last day of August, on the brink of September with all of the back-to-school vibes swirling around us. Can you feel it too? It’s always such a big moment, a palpable change, regardless of if you’re a student or not. Let’s take some time to reflect on all that unfolded in August as we prepare to move forward into our next chapter, a new season.

Wrapping up August is bittersweet — we say goodbye to summer and the freedoms that come with longer days of light, but we also welcome more consistency and predictability that can feel really nourishing and oh so nostalgic. Whether you are a DSWL Planner user or not, this audio workshop is here to offer a series of end of the month reflections, a guided meditation to help you pause in-between August and September and an opportunity to future-cast your September.

What You Can Expect —

  • Reflection questions to help you connect with all that unfolded for you in August

  • A short guided meditation to pause between August and September. This meditation gives you a moment to pause and soak up the last of the summer sun, nourishing yourself with silence and the reminder that as you enter a new rhythm you can always take two moments for yourself

  • A brain dump & extra support map for the month of September

  • September Goals, affirmations, habit tracking and self-love prompts

What You Need For The Audio Workshop —

  • 30-45ish minutes

  • A quiet cozy place you can curl up without distractions for 30ish minutes

  • Your DSWL Planner, journal or blank paper

  • Something to write with

  • Environment enhancers (ex: cozy lemon tea in your favorite mug, bergamot essential oil in the diffuser, grounding rose quartz stones, background frequency/chill-hop playlist)

I’m so excited y’all enjoyed this new form last month for Dear July! I’m grateful to be able to share this resource with more people through recorded audio. And…per your request, I shared more of my responses in this month’s workshop! So, in return I invite you to share your Dear August reflections in the comment section below. We can collapse time and space and pretend we are in a room reflecting and preparing for the transition together.

With Love,


In honor of Labor Day, I’m reopening the archives to a couple of my most cherished pieces of labor. Projects I poured so much love into, that I’ve been feeling called to share with you again. All projects were designed with one simple goal in mind; to help you take deep care of yourself with life-changing mindset tools, so you can keep showing up to the labor you love to do in this world.

The Labor Of Love Sale will end Tuesday Sept 3rd @11pm CST and includes —


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Dear Self With Love
Dear Self With Love
The Dear Self With Love Podcast celebrates the infinite ways we can strengthen the one relationship that matters most - the one we have with ourself. Explore how you can deepen your practices, enjoy your own company, hold yourself accountable, and be present to your growth.